A new year is here, and so is another chance to make a one year “self-improvement” plan. On New Year’s Day, many people make resolutions for improving their behavior, feelings and attitudes which they sincerely want to implement throughout the New Year. In India, the concept of making a resolution is called a sankalpa, which means resolve, determination, desire, intention or purpose.
Bhagavan Sri Krishna is called Satya-Sankalpa, which means that His desires, intentions, purpose or resolve are always fulfilled. Whatever Sri Krishna desires within His mind is immediately true and self-existent. Sri Baladeva Vidya Bhusana says satya-sankalpa means that Sri Krishna’s determination is never foiled by anything, and that Krishna has determination (sankalpa) to never give up His devotees.
Keeping this in mind, sadhakas of devotion should have faith that their spiritual sankalpas or resolutions will, by the mercy of Krishna, come to pass. Therefore, sadhakas and serious minded spiritualists should chalk out a plan for increasing and perfecting their daily spiritual practices. Decide your resolutions or sankalpas, write them down, speak them aloud. And then pray to Lord Sri Krishna for the strength and determination to fulfill them.
We call these New Year’s Revolutions to invoke the idea of major reformation, a complete overhaul of our spiritual program. How will it happen? Srila Prabhupada answers, saying, “No one can attain a revolution in consciousness without engaging in Krishna bhakti.”(TLC 16)
Every day is another day of devotion. We should utilize every moment of our lives to lovingly serve Radha-Krishna by hearing and singing about Them; praying to the Divine Pair; and remembering Their sweet Vraja lilas while serving Yugala within our minds and with our bodies.
Make resolutions to increase your appreciation of and service to Sri Hari, Guru and the Vaisnavas. Help all forms of living entities evolve toward Krishna by giving—Giving your love, Giving your time, and Giving your guidance. Here, there and everywhere, to one and all give Harinama, Krishna prasada, Hari-katha and books of sacred wisdom. Push everyone up and Krishna will see to your upliftment.
\We pray to Giridhari Shyama to bless all our friends with a satisfying year of spiritual fulfillment.
Jai Jai Radhe…Jai Jai Shyam…Jai Jai Sri Vrindavana Dhama!
Jai Jai Sri Radhe!
By Mahanidhi Swami