Radha’s beautiful blue eyes are incomparably attractive. And they forever shower every direction with the sweetest nectar of love and compassion. But just how did Radharani obtain such amazing lotus eyes?

“The Creator produced Radha’s eyes by extracting the essence from all the best and sweetest things of this world. Whatever was leftover fell to earth, and became black bees, deer, chakora birds, red and blue lotus flowers!” (Govinda Lilamrta)

A sadhaka prays: “O Radha, I am very fallen and unqualified. But if You just look at me once, then I will attain the devotional purity needed to enter Your association. 
ha ha svamini radhike mayi, krpa drshtim manan nikshipa, “Alas! Alas! O Swamini Radha! Please just cast a slight glance of mercy upon me.” 

Until the end of time, I will embrace Your tender lotus feet in my heart and go on uttering Your gentle sweet name…waiting. O Priyaji! O Radha! When, oh when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me…kada karishyasiha mam krpa-kataksha-bhajanam.

By Mahanidhi Swami