In the form of the Vyasadeva, Bhagavan Sri Krishna has revealed the hidden meaning of the Vedas to the ignorant conditioned souls of Kali-yuga by compiling the Srimad Bhagavatam, the sun-like spotless Purana. While in a state of samadhi Vyasadeva realized the esoteric teachings of the Bhagavata Purana by the mercy of his spiritual master, Sri Narada Muni, who learned the spiritual science from Lord Brahma.

Vyasadeva is the greatest acarya because he was directly empowered by the Supreme Lord to make the Vedic wisdom available in the present age. Without Vyasadeva we would be nowhere, wallowing in the mud of ignorance; trapped in the darkness and illusion of material sense gratification.

Srila Vyasadeva is the divine propagator, a shatyavesha avatara, a jiva in whom the divine power of transcendental knowledge has been infused. Vyasadeva has been directly empowered by the Absolute Truth to preach the word of God. Sri Guru is the living spokesman, the contemporary representative of Vyasadeva. The enlightened spiritual discourses given by Sri Guru are based on his constant and uninterrupted realizations of the activities of the Supreme Absolute Truth, Sri Krishna, as described by Srila Vyasadeva in the Srimad Bhagavatam.

The true guru is the enlightened guide, the merciful master, the messiah of harmony. He not only teaches the science of God, but he demonstrates practically by his pure actions that he is the dearest servitor of the Supreme Lord. Sri Guru thinks, speaks and acts only in terms of his eternal relationship with the Absolute Truth. Sri Guru has perfect knowledge of the personal Godhead, and he constantly associates with the Lord in a most direct and intimate bond of divine love.

The divine guide is fully competent to dispel the darkness of ignorance and remove all doubts from his disciple. He is capable of delivering his disciple to the beautiful lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishna in the spiritual sky. Sri Guru has the power, granted by God, to establish the bewildered conditioned soul in his eternal position as a loving servitor of the Supreme Lord Krishna.

Sri Guru manifests in two forms:
the quiet director or Paramatma within the heart, and the external preceptor who teaches us by realized knowledge and spotless behavior. Both gurus help bewildered souls reach spiritual perfection.

However, in the conditioned state one cannot hear the wise counsel of the inner guide. Therefore, the external manifestation of the Paramatma as Sri Guru is my only hope. Srila B.R. Sridhar Swami once said, “Sri Guru is the divine messenger of immortal hope and joy in this mortal and miserable world.”

Acaryas say the spiritual master is Sri Krishna’s krpa shakti murti, the very form of Lord Krishna’s mercy and love freely accessible to the suffering souls. Sri Guru is the spiritual counterpart of the famous ATM machines which leading banks scatter around major cities to offer “Any Time Money” to eager customers thirsty for wealth.

How so? To anyone, at any time and any place the spiritual master will give the true wealth of Sri Krishna’s eternal loving service. Therefore, Sri Guru is a Krishna conscious, walking ATM machine offering “Any Time Mercy.”
The mercy of Sri Guru is freely available to all who are willing to accept it. Being completely surrendered to the Supreme Lord, Sri Guru is always engaged in Krishna’s service, and helps others to do the same.

Excerpt from Tribute of Love by Mahanidhi swami